Here is a list of items we can generally use, and those we can’t use…
YES: (Clean & Sanitized)
- Towels & Washcloths
- Cat Carriers (only hard shelled type)
- Kongs
- Chew Toys
- Feline Pine cat litter
- Yesterday’s News cat litter
- Waste bags (on rolls)
- NEW Cat or Dog Beds
- Pate Food (no chunks or gravy)
- Blankets (fleece or regular weight- not bulky)
NO!!! Please do NOT bring
- Sleeping bags
- Quilts or Comforters
- Pillows
- Rugs
- Sheets
- Pillow Cases
- Mattress Pads
- Newspapers
- Dog Kennels
- Dog Clothes
- Pill Bottles
Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter
If you would like to make a monetary donation online, please visit the Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter donation page.
Thank you for your support and generosity, the animals appreciate all you do for them!!!!