Saratoga County Animal Shelter


Here is a list of items we can generally use, and those we can’t use…
YES: (Clean & Sanitized)
  1. Towels & Washcloths
  2. Cat Carriers (only hard shelled type)
  3. Kongs
  4. Chew Toys
  5. Feline Pine cat litter
  6. Yesterday’s News cat litter
  7. Waste bags (on rolls)
  8. NEW Cat or Dog Beds
  9. Pate Food (no chunks or gravy)
  10. Blankets (fleece or regular weight- not bulky)
NO!!! Please do NOT bring
  1. Sleeping bags
  2. Quilts or Comforters
  3. Pillows
  4. Rugs
  5. Sheets
  6. Pillow Cases
  7. Mattress Pads
  8. Newspapers
  9. Dog Kennels
  10. Dog Clothes
  11. Pill Bottles

Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter

If you would like to make a monetary donation online, please visit the Friends of the Saratoga County Animal Shelter donation page.

Thank you for your support and generosity, the animals appreciate all you do for them!!!!